About me

I was born and grown up in Bangkok; the capital of Thailand; where everyone on earth has known about the traffic jam.  But it was improved a lot in nowadays. Despite of the reputation on the traffic, the name of the capital is also famous as the longest capital name in the world. 

Noted that the local Thai people don't call the capital "Bangkok".

Who knows the name, please write your comments.  I hope to see my students studying Thai can answer this.

I have studied Japanese in the private university in Bangkok.  The location is around  Ladpraw and Victory Monument.  After graduated, I had been working as a translator and interpreter in 3 Japanese companies for more than 20 years. 

I have taught Thai to Japanese people, Japanese to Thai students and English to Japanese students for years.

Now because of the Covid19 effects, I spend most of my time in the house so I started to write this blog to share the information about traveling, culture and manner in Thai and Japan for Thai, Japanese, and other foreigners.

I hope this will be helpful and useful.  
